Macklin Motors is now Vertu!

Still the same great team and service - online, on the phone and in our dealerships.

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Reporting a concern or making a complaint

To get started, simply choose an option below according to how you would like us to handle your concern.

Any concerns or complaints are logged and sent to the dealership management in the first instance. This gives them an opportunity to resolve the situation, and is often the best route to a quick and simple solution.

Each and every concern is also reviewed by Robert Forrester, our chief executive - to make absolutely sure that we are learning from any mistakes and treating customers in line with our company Values.

Contact the Dealership General Manager

Would you like to contact the general manager of a dealership to inform them of a concern you have? Click the button below and select the dealership in question for direct contact details.

Escalate to our Customer Service team

Our Customer Service team will formally log your concern, and send to the dealership management to review. We will track and monitor any progress, keeping you informed along the way.

Have you had a positive experience?

We don't only act on negative feedback - we also like to hear what we're doing well, so that we can share best practice across all of our dealerships. If you have had a great experience, we would love to hear about it.

Thank you

If you have logged a concern, we will be in touch very soon. As one of the largest automotive retailers in the UK, we are always working hard to improve. We firmly believe that feedback is the breakfast of champions, so your honest feedback is gratefully received and will be used to make improvements wherever possible.