How to Sell a Deceased Relative's Car

During a bereavement, a little help can go a long way, as handling a deceased relative’s estate can be stressful. We have put together this guide as a small measure to help you.
- We can help whether you have the V5C logbook or not
- Get answers to common queries in this guide
- Our expert team are here to assist
My vehicle is in my deceased relative’s name
It can be difficult to decide on your next move if you have been left a vehicle in a legal will or are the executor of an estate which includes their vehicle. The vehicle won’t be in your name as the paperwork will still be the registered keeper on the logbook. At Macklin Motors we can help.
We can help you through the process, should you choose to sell the vehicle to us, and all we need is a few items of paperwork to get us started:
- A copy of the death certificate of the registered keeper of the vehicle.
- A copy of the grant of probate which confirms you as executor of the estate. If the grant of probate is not available, either a copy of the registered keeper’s will or a solicitor’s letter confirming you as executor would work.
- Your driving licence or passport for photo identification.
Below we have specified the different documentation needed depending on if you have the V5C logbook for the vehicle or not.
I have the vehicle’s V5C logbook
If you are selling the car to us with the V5C logbook, there is less paperwork for you to provide. We need:
- A letter, signed by you, confirming your relationship with the deceased registered keeper and the date the registered keeper died.
- Section 4 of the V5C completed by you.
We will then send this paperwork to the DVLA and keep you updated throughout the process.
I cannot find the vehicle’s V5C logbook
If you are selling the car to us without the V5C logbook, slightly different documentation is needed:
- A letter, signed by you, confirming your relationship with the deceased registered keeper, the date the registered keeper died, the date you sold the vehicle to us and our dealership's name and address.
We then complete a V62 form and send the paperwork to the DVLA. There is a £25 fee for us to complete this paperwork and this will be deducted from the purchase price of the vehicle.
Who will receive the payment?
When making payment for the vehicle, we must make the payment to the account of the deceased registered keeper or an account of the solicitors dealing with the estate. If this is an issue for you, you need to supply a letter from your solicitor confirming you are legally entitled to receive the money from the vehicle.
If you need more information, please get in touch, and a member of our team will be happy to assist you further.